Monthly Archives: October 2018

Old Trick, New Treat

Halloween-SDavid Gordon Green’s “Halloween” is a sequel that succeeds, offering fans of John Carpenter’s original film a few new surprises in a nostalgic revisit while giving those new to the story its hallmark simplistic scares.

Since Carpenter’s 1978 “Halloween,” we’ve been treated to seven sequels and two remakes, but director Green and co-writers Danny McBride and Jeff Fradley (who worked with Green on comedies like “Your Highness” and the HBO series “Vice Principals”) want you to forget the mostly-forgettable film franchise by getting back-to-basics. It’s a smart move, smart enough to get John Carpenter and Jamie Lee Curtis involved making a movie that continues where the original film ended. Continue reading

Endless Love

AStarisBorn-SIn his directorial debut, Bradley Cooper manages not only to make “A Star is Born” the best film version we’ve seen so far while giving his best acting performance to date, it may also be the best movie you’ll see this year. Continue reading