Monthly Archives: September 2021

The ‘Eyes’ Have It

For those who remember televangelists Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, “The Eyes of Tammy Faye” provides a nostalgic look back to the ‘80s toppling of their PTL network through sex scandals and financial fraud. Thanks to dead-on portrayals by Andrew Garfield and Jessica Chastain, even those unfamiliar with the Bakkers will be riveted by the actors playing the religious duo.

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Remembering Kings & Castles

On this 20th anniversary of 9/11, one movie stands to assure that I will never forget.

Growing up, I spent the majority of my formative years glued to a television gorging myself on a steady diet of B-horror movies. In 1976, while America celebrated its bicentennial, I was a 7 year-old celebrating an early Christmas with the release of Dino De Laurentiis’ remake of “King Kong.”

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